Yes.. That would be Bonao, they call it the city of God. If you can believe it, it's one of the cleaner areas I've been in. That's why I say.. It's the most beautiful place I've ever been in but the people ruin the natural beauty with garbage.. And lots of it.
But where we live looks a lot different from that. It's much cleaner. That's the market where we but fruit and veggies and stuff. It's gross looking but it's the best place in town. It's kinda neat that you got to see it and get a taste of what I live in. It's just normal to me now, I've gotten used to all the garbage and such.
So, big news. Today we had interviews with president. Mine went well, I just told him straight up I wanted my comp to be more motivated, and he acted really well! My comp wasn't offended at all. In fact, he came out of the interview really happy. But.. that's not the big news. So, my comp has this transfer and the next, and the missionaries train for 2 transfers now. He pretty much knows he's not gonna get a kid. Anyway, in his interview president told him that he wanted him to find a house really fast because there are 16 new missionaries coming. He came with us to go look at the house and we are moving into our new, beautiful apartment, just us two, in less than a week.
But, that's not the big news. Pres told him that he wanted that new house because there were 16 new missionaries. So, what does this mean? Think about it. He wants me to train this next transfer, and wanted my kid and I to be in our own 2 man house. It makes sense, so much sense that I am actually super happy. But, just in case, I'm not getting too excited. BUT I WOULD LOVE A KID! that was my goal in the mission.
I am kinda stoked. Not only about the prospect of the kid but this new apartment is way nice. I'm talking like.. american high scale nice, for a relatively low price. It was sort of priceless when president saw it.. My comp and I had like 4 houses lined up, and my comp asked, "wanna see the other houses," and president said, "nope, I've seen all I need to see. We're getting this one." he's so direct and quick with all his movements. It would drive me nuts if I was with him too much, but it's a great attribute for a mission president to have I suppose.
Well.. Let's see. I wrote ally. I feel terrible. I honestly don't remember when she wrote me but I'm sure I was distracted with rachelle in that time or something so I was just... Idk, not paying attention. My bad. But I hope at least that resolves it. I feel like it will.
Hmmmm.. Well we're teaching an awesome investigator right now. He's pretty catholic but actually perfectly in line with our doctrine. He's great. Honestly I think he'll be baptized within the next 3 weeks. Maybe that's optimistic.. but I feel good about it.
My spanish is getting good I suppose. OOOOHHHH!!! speaking of good spanish. So, my very first zone leader, Elder Noltenmeyer, GREAT missionary with perfect spanish, is now CAMERON'S TEACHER in the MTC! Yes, I talked to him quite a bit and he always wanted to speak spanish but I didn't know it that well. Anyway, he was also my comp's comp before. I sort of want to give hermano noltenmeyer a call, but that would be breaking the rules... right? I don't really know.. But it doesn't feel right so I'm not gonna do it. So cool though. I want to send secret messages to cameron and have noltenmeyer sneak him things from the outside world. haha
Cameron is hilarious. He always has the weirdest things happen to him. Him and I both, so when we get together it's a little like a circus.
But yeah, bonao is interesting as far as missionary work goes. It's really grown a lot recently so it reminds me a lot of Norman. It's pretty chaotic as far as traffic goes. but it has a great little bakery called miguelinas with a tres leches cake that will rock your world. I wanna take you guys there in your visit. Anyway, the people are SUPER catholic and by far the most direct of any people I have met in the mission. Like.. Well for instance when you make a contact people say no.. which is something that sort of took me back at first. I feel like this is argentina or europe or.. Idk the states but definitely not the DR. But it's good, my comp and I get are working smart and not contacting much, we're getting references. That's the key to not going crazy. The great investigator that we have was not a reference though.. strangely enough.
Also, there's a young man here named Israel that is sort of like a third missionary. He is always leaving with us. He's a champion and will be a fantastic missionary. Many times we'll have an investigator teetering but his testimony will leave them convinced of our church. He really is good to have around.
And YES! My package did come. And oh how fantastic it was. Let's see.. I would love more dove chocolate and granola bars. NOT any more of those beef jerky sticks.. those were kind of a bust. They taste a lot like throw up. But everything else in the box was amazing, especially rechargeable batteries for the camera and CD player.
More CD's would be good. There's one that I want that's sufjan stevens christmas EP.. i think that's what it's called. It's him singing hymns. It's really good stuff. that's really all I can think of. And of course that t-shirt from the family reunion.. Man I missed that this year. :/
It's gonna be september tomorrow. It's crazy that in a month I'll have a year. I can do anything for a year, but especially something I love doing anyway. I may have a kid too, so that'll be 2 quick transfers. I am looking forward to the prospect of it all. I'm entering the best part of my mission. I'm seasoned, practiced and comfortable. It's a good feeling. General Conference will be sweet too!
I'll be praying for cooler days for you all if you'll do the same for me. You do have AC. I really don't have the least bit of pity for you. Ok.. maybe a little.. but only because you're my parents.
I love you. The nanny and sister of the sister missionary, is supposed to send me a package. oh, and if you can prevent it, don't send the package to miami. That was a 1200 peso charge.. that's hard to recover from without personal funds. thanks. :)
Be safe, and for crying out loud, don't gash your head and hand open at the same time and pass out in the street and almost bleed to death. There's not that many good samaritans in Oklahoma.
Till next week, with a freshly motivated comp, not a second wasted,
-Elder C. Rufus Sweeney