Ok, before I mention anything else, I have to tell you.. Neither of my shoes are functioning (see pictures for details...). I don't have any now that work properly.. In other words, I need new ones. I know a pair are coming in the mail, but it would be nice to get a couple more. :) Sorry for the late warning..
Alright, now that that's out of the way (I've been meaning to tell you for a while), WE HAD THE BAPTISM SATURDAY! It was great. Seriously, the kid is a monster already. He has plans of serving a mission, and wants to know when he can do it so he can leave as soon as possible. His name is Frank. I've also included a picture of that. It was a really beautiful day.
Then, Monday we had the priviledge of hearing from Elder Bednar from the quorum of the 12 apostles. The spirit was so powerful in that. I left a different missionary, and a different person. It wasn't super typical, he stood up in front of everyone and just asked the group of missionaries questions about the talks he assigned us to read. He made a point that anything that draws away from the spirit was priestcraft, including just saying that we did a good job in the lesson. It isn't us. It's the Lord.
At the end I was asked to say the closing prayer, so I was able to shake his hand. It was an honor really, because no one was supposed to be able to, with his super tight schedule he didn't have time to shake anyone's hand. But I got to sneak in and do it. ;) I asked him a quick question, if he remembered Tom Cowger from his Purdue days. He played intermural basketball with him. He said the name rang a bell, but couldn't remember well, and I told him he was the proud father of a missionary in Chile. He smiled and said thanks Elder Sweeney. I was happy to remind him that even those who he's possible forgotten about are in this work with him.
That wasn't the end of the day though. We arrived back in Bonao and went to a family home evening. It's the same one we go to just about every week with the same family, so I almost didn't want to go because I was pretty tired and it was getting late, but we went regardless. When we got there, everything seemed normal, but the old man of the house let us now shortly after that it wasn't so normal. He told us that his son, who was married about a year ago and has a baby of about a month old, was having problems with his marriage, and that we should pray for him. We gladly accepted, and started in with the message. In the middle of the spiritual message, that very son walked in from work, and sat down in his usually joking, fun mood. He is always jolly, always fun and joking about everything, kind of like Micheal in a way.
Well, the message finished and we four missionaries (the zone leaders were there as well) were invited by Jose Luna (the son) into his room, where we shut the door and just broke down. He could barely choke out the words, he was crying just like a little boy. It broke my heart.. I could never have seen this tough, young, jolly, light-hearted man break down like this. It was pitiful, and he told us about how his wife left and he was thinking bad thoughts about doing something to himself. He asked for a blessing, and Elder Bort read him a scripture that was followed by a beautiful blessing from Elder Logan. There wasn't a dry eye in the room. I'll never forget that experience. I felt the pure love of Christ in there as we helped out brother from the church out.
Well, I'm gonna wrap this one up. I was thinking about it.. And I think I'd rather go to Europe, that way also I can be SURE to be released from being a missionary beforehand. I've wanted to go to Europe for a LONG time anyway, you both know that. I love you two.
Be safe, be good, you know that I am. I am eating well enough, lots of vegetables now that I know how to wash them appopriately. I love you two.
Till next week, not a second wasted, and always working with the spirit,
Elder C. Rufus Sweeney
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